Saturday, October 3, 2015

Acupressure for weight loss

I was tried out a lot of remedies for weight loss because due o overweight, I could not move easily and I have a knee pain as well as back pain.

Finally, my family friend's father refers the acupressure therapist to solve my problem.

My overweight problem are due to operation, after that it will gets increasing despite of control on food and exercise.

My friend's father taken an appointment with acupressure therapist on Monday evening.

We went their clinic with my friend and acupressure therapist taken all the past history and accordingly started my treatments.

First he needs commitments from me, because this treatment needs passions for getting the desire result. I assured for the completion of a treatment as specified time limit and consult him on regular bases.

There are certain Acupressure for weight loss, I would like to share with you, but it may or may not be work for you. It is better consult acupressure therapist to know the effective points for your weight loss.

There are Acupressure points for weight loss, I just share for your knowledge(please do not apply without consulting practitioner)

The most common Acupressure points for weight loss are:

1. Ear Point – an ear points control your appetite and conscious about food. (see Figure below )

2. Abdomen Point: Improve digestion and solve constipation problem- Abdomen point 3cm distance between navel and abdomen (see Figure below )

3. Knee point : Knee point (4 to 5 cm distance below knee) is also play an important role for weight loss it directly connected to your stomach and improve digestion and decrease unnecessary hunger.

All these Acupressure for weight loss are most effective, if you practice on daily bases with the help of acupressure therapist you will definitely gets a result.
Note: Your therapist locate the exact point locate with an acupressure tools..

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